Employment Law

Lamb and Holmes Solicitors Employment Department are able to offer advice to individuals on all matters relating to Employment. 

For most of us, work is key to our sense of identity and self-worth. If things go wrong, it can have a devastating effect on us both financially and emotionally. We have helped many people by giving realistic, practical and jargon-free advice. 

The Employment Rights Act 1996 provides employees with additional rights to their contracts of employment and provides guidance to employees that face challenges within the workplace. 

We have a wealth of experience representing employees including advising them on the terms of the Settlement Agreement. 

Examples of matters we can help with include: 

  • Unfair Dismissal
  • Constructive Dismissal
  • Salary/Wages
  • Holiday
  • Discrimination
  • Bullying/Harassment
  • Redundancy
  • Settlement Agreements
  • Contractual Terms
  • Restrictive Covenants
  • Maternity and Paternity Rights
  • Shared Parental Leave
  • Adoption Leave
  • Flexible Working Requests
  • Raising a Grievance
  • Responding to your Employer’s Disciplinary or Capability Processes

One of the challenges people face with an employment law matter is the cost.  If you have been unfairly dismissed or have been made redundant there may not be the disposable income to spend on obtaining legal advice. 

Our team work together with our clients and make sure they are kept informed throughout the process of their case. We also make sure that you are fully aware of any costs that may be involved and try where possible to keep these to a minimum.

In some cases, Home or other Insurance policies may carry an element of legal expense insurance.  


Settlement Agreements 

If you face losing your job, this is typically a worrying time. And it may be completely unexpected when your Employer presents you with a Settlement Agreement. Quite possibly you won’t know exactly what it means and how it will affect you. For the Settlement Agreement to be valid, the Employee must be independently advised on the contents by a solicitor.

As a general rule, we will agree to limit the costs of advising regarding the terms of a Settlement Agreement to the amount that your employer has agreed to contribute within it. We do not consider that you should incur any additional costs above the contribution provided. If additional assistance should, however, be required then we will limit the additional fees where possible. In most cases, however, you won’t have to pay anything towards our fees, assuming you are happy with the settlement amount being offered. We will even invoice your employer directly so that they pay the fees directly.

our team

Scarlett Mordue

Corby Assistants

Kim Nelson
Legal Assistant

T 01536 745168
F 01536 410191
E Kim.Nelson@lamb-holmes.co.uk

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